Australian Fertility Summit
Canberra – Saturday 20 July 2024
Empowering you on your fertility journey
Sponsored by
Let’s Talk Fertility
The modern fertility journey can become a quest of mind, body, and wallet. It can feel lonely and overwhelming. We envision a different future. One of open conversation, hope and support.
The Fertility Summit seeks to bridge the gap between medical and complementary fertility approaches. We seek to create opportunities for collaboration and connection between fertility professionals and empower individuals with understanding for every step of their journey.
Join us in creating Australia’s Premier Fertility Event
The fertility summit is for everyone on, part of, or interested in a fertility journey. We invite medical experts, IVF specialists, complementary therapists, fertility service providers and anyone else with expertise in the field of fertility to share their knowledge and all interested individuals to come and learn.
As a Sponsor
Have your fertility-related business associated with this ground-breaking, inaugural event. Sponsorship packages will be available soon.
As a Presenter
Calling all fertility professionals – medical and complementary – with wisdom and innovation to share. A limited number of 20-minute spaces are available.
Contact us with your proposed presentation.
As an Exhibitor
Your opportunity to meet and connect with other fertility support providers and showcase your expertise to a room full of potential clients.
Register for updates to find out when exhibition spaces are released.
As an Attendee
Knowledge is power. This summit is for you most of all. Let us bring infertility into the light. Come with your questions, connect with your stories, or discover what is available.
Register for updates to be the first to know about speakers and details.
The Australian Fertility Summit is brought to you
by Liz Walton – Fertility Coach
I bless my 10-year path of infertility to fertility for the understanding it has gifted me as I support others along their journey. This summit is my dream. The full spectrum of fertility and infertility support in one location at one time, connecting, collaborating, sharing knowledge, and empowering people on their fertility journey.
The Canberra Fertility Summit is just the beginning.
Contact Us
Questions, stories and words of support
all welcome.
We look forward to hearing from you.